Time in UK
Looking for the current time and date in the UK. Then you’re at the right place. Here we offer both 12-hour and 24-hour UK time. Check the Exact time and daylight in UK.
UK Time
On our website uk-ti.me you can check the current time in UK for free of cost. It's Simple and Responsible for all mobiles and Desktop. the full-screen clock helps to see them clean and clear time without Ads. you can also check the current Live Time, date, and day in the UK.
British Time (BST)
British Summer Time (BST) is a change in the time zone that allows mornings to have one hour less daylight, and evenings to have one hour more, which happens one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Every year, BST begins at 01:00 GMT on the last Sunday of March and ends at 01:00 GMT (02:00 BST) on the last Sunday of October. As of 22 October 1995, daylight saving times across Europe were aligned, and once the UK left the EU, the UK retained the alignment. Both BST and Central European Summer Time begin and end on Sundays at the same time of 2:00 Central European Time, 01:00 GMT. In the period 1972-1995, BST was defined as starting at two o'clock, Greenwich Mean Time, on the morning of the third Saturday in March or, if the third Saturday in March is Easter Day, the second Saturday in March, and ending at two o'clock, Greenwich Mean Time, on the morning of the fourth Saturday in October. More Info Here
States Name | Timezone |
British | GMT+1 |
UK Time in 12 Hour Format (12h/24h)
The time is displayed in both 12h and 24h format in UK, but the majority of the United Kingdom Time is displayed in 24h format. In some places, however, UK displays the time in 12h format. See the Table to better understand the 12 hour time format in UK. We display the time in UK according to the GMT+ 1:00 time zone of United Kingdom on the website
24–hour clock | 12-hour clock |
01:00 | 01:00 AM |
02:00 | 02:00 AM |
03:00 | 03:00 AM |
04:00 | 04:00 AM |
05:00 | 05:00 AM |
06:00 | 06:00 AM |
07:00 | 07:00 AM |
08:00 | 08:00 AM |
09:00 | 09:00 AM |
10:00 | 10:00 AM |
11:00 | 11:00 AM |
12:00 | 12:00 AM |
13:00 | 01:00 PM |
14:00 | 02:00 PM |
15:00 | 03:00 PM |
16:00 | 04:00 PM |
17:00 | 05:00 PM |
18:00 | 06:00 PM |
19:00 | 07:00 PM |
20:00 | 08:00 PM |
21:00 | 09:00 PM |
22:00 | 10:00 PM |
23:00 | 11:00 PM |
24:00 | 12:00 PM |

UK Time Now
Our websites are useful for business travelers or people who have businesses in the United Kingdom and frequently travel to the UK. This website can be accessed from any computer or mobile device that has an internet connection. To see the United Kingdom time and clock on this website, you do not need to sign up or log in to see the time.
We display the time in 12-hour or 24-hour format. It is not necessary to download any software or apps to view the current time in the UK Now on www.uk-ti.me.
If you want to check the current time in the UK then you have to visit this website - uk-ti.me on This website you can check UK Time in 12h or 24h format with Seconds.
There are Only one timezones in the UK.
If you want to check the current time in the UK with Seconds then go to - uk-ti.me
Looking for UK time right now it's simple to go uk-ti.me and check the current time in UK.
If you want to check the current UK time in 12-hour format then go to - uk-ti.me